Joy is Key

February 23, 2020
Hosted by Carol DeChaine

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Episode Description

Do you feel undeserving of joy? Wish you could feel it more often? If you have ever felt joy in your life, you know it can be addicting! Join Carol to learn about the different types of joy and learn to look for your blocks to it without judgment. And stay tuned while she shares an exercise to bring more joy in your life. Choose joy. Practice joy. And it can change your life!

Living Your Limitless Life

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Living Your Limitless Life is a show to bring out the best in you, fire your imagination to new possibilities and enable you to create the life of joy, peace, freedom and prosperity that go beyond all of your expectations. Created by the founder of Connect2Joy, this show encourages you to transform your life with intention and attention, instead of stumbling through life letting fears, self-doubt and limiting beliefs govern it.

Tools, both energetic and pragmatic, as well as meditations and guided visualizations are featured to help you release and move beyond seeming limitations, and inspire and motivate you to both discover and create your most fantastic life’s vision, and ultimately, make that vision a reality.

Carol DeChaine

Carol DeChaine is the founder of Connect2Joy and a certified life and business coach specializing in crafting unique programs for each of her clients to find their highest and best answers for their life. She is also a certified Marconic multidimensional energy recalibration practitioner, motivational speaker and workshop leader, and an Avatar Master/Wizard with Star’s Edge International. She is the creator of The Joy Corner, a weekly affirmation YouTube video and the Thoughts for a More Joyous World blog.

Carol has used her gift for healing throughout her life, including being certified in acupressure by the Berkeley Acupressure Institute, and attuned as a Reiki Master over 20 years ago. Over the years she has honed her intuitive ability and found a unique approach to assist her clients find answers to such questions as: Now what? Where do I go from here? And, there has to be something better than this, but what is it?

In every aspect of her career, Carol’s goal is to assist you raise your vibration and find your joy and your connection to your best self, the one that isn’t afraid to be judged and found lacking, but rather feels limitless and free to create your most fantastic life’s vision, and ultimately, to make that vision a reality.

“The only person who is truly holding you back is you. No more excuses. It’s time to change. It’s time to live life at a new level.”
Tony Robbins

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