Stoke Your Entrepreneurial Finesse with Patrick Bet-David

June 10, 2020
Hosted by Alise Cortez, PhD

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Episode Description

Whether you’re an established business owner or just starting out on the journey, Patrick Bet-David has some pearls of advice he’s learned as a very successful entrepreneur. An immigrant from Iran, he enthusiastically embraces the capitalistic opportunity available in America to anyone willing to work to realize their dreams. His own experience of founding a financial services marketing company at age 29 with 66 agents in one office to growing it to more than 15,000 agents with 120 offices in 49 states and Puerto Rico in just over 10 years, along with a ferocious appetite for reading and learning from others has proven fertile ground to cultivate his astute perspective on business.

Working on Purpose

New Episodes Weekly on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Do you want to help create a world where people are passionate about their work, inspirational leadership helps team members realize their greatness, and capitalism thrives while serving the highest causes? Me too. The working on purpose program is a thought leadership engine that enlightens and inspires listeners with insights from elite business leaders and novel subject matter experts. Together, we’re working on purpose to steward the future of work and business to elevate us all.

Alise Cortez, PhD

Dr. Alise Cortez is affectionately referred to as “The Anti-Undertaker” as she awakens the often otherwise “walking dead” to discover and nurture their passion, inspiration, and purpose in life and at work. She is one part Chief Purpose Officer and Management Consultant specializing in meaning and purpose, and one part Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Radio Host. Having developed her expertise within the Human Capital / Organizational Excellence industry over the last 20 years, today she is focused on enabling organizations to lead from purpose and create cultures of meaning that inspire impassioned performance, energizing engagement and fulfillment, while encouraging a devoted stay within the organization. For individuals, she also facilitates the online Catch Fire global community and various retreats to enable people hungry for a more meaningful and purposeful life to discover and create it for themselves.

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