February 10, 2022
Hosted by Stephanie Parrish, C.Lt, HBO.t with Co-Host Doug Crockett, BS, MBA

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Bruce and Judy have combined over 100 years experience managing sales support and service. Founded Summit 2 Sea in 2007 introducing the first affordable Hyperbaric chamber. Judy McKeeman Graduated from Biola University. Bruce McKeeman received his MBA from Southern Methodist University. After watching a Creation Science video that demonstrated the oxygen content of the earth before Noah’s flood was approximately 40% oxygen instead of our current 21%. This made Bruce and Judy very interested in acquiring a hyperbaric chamber for general health. As founder Bruce contributed to the design, development, manufacturing and distribution of the Summit to Sea hyperbaric chambers. Summit to Sea has grown to be a leader in this growing hyperbaric chamber market with manufacturing facilities throughout the US and Europe.

Vitality Health Show

Thursday at 10 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Want to Conquer Your Illness and Enjoy Life?

Listen to the Vitality Health Show and empower yourself with knowledge to restore your physical, mental and spiritual health. The show is about instilling hope in those who are suffering, and it’s about healing body, mind and spirit with the best therapeutic tools available. Our mission is to provide knowledge, inspiration and real solutions. People are looking for alternatives to conventional medicine, yet there is so much information out there, and much of it is less than credible. Our vision is to cut through the hype and establish the truth about health solutions that really work. It is to lift and inspire with 21st Century knowledge and ancient wisdom, which can empower you to rebuild your health and then share what you’ve learned with others.

Stephanie Parrish, C.Lt, HBO.t with Co-Host Doug Crockett, BS, MBA

Stephanie Parrish is an internationally certified Hyperbaric Oxygen therapist, a nationally certified PBMT Light therapist and an internationally certified Microcirculation therapist with Avacen Medical. Stephanie loves people, and she loves giving them the tools necessary to enjoy better health and a higher quality of life. As Founder and CEO of Vibrant You Hyperbaric Oxygen and Light Center over the past eight years, Stephanie has been instrumental in the clinical implementation of “Targeted Hyperbaric,” a combination of Hyperbaric and PBMT shown to produce superior health outcomes for clients. As founder of the Vitality Health Show, Stephanie is excited to share her knowledge and experience as well as the expertise of professional guests with you. Stephanie is a captivating public speaker, an excellent interviewer and an inspiring human being who thoroughly enjoys sharing the energy of hope, health and inspiration with others. The guests and topics she has planned for the Vitality Health Show is truly exciting.

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