Technology Revolution: The Future of Automotive & AI: G Jetson?

June 7, 2023
Hosted by Bonnie D. Graham

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We queried ChatGPT: “Tell me about the future of Cars and AI.” Response: The future of cars and AI is exciting and rapidly evolving. Potential ways these technologies could shape the future: Autonomous driving. Personalization. Maintenance. Sustainability. Mobility as a Service. Potential ethical and societal implications to consider: job loss and AI-powered vehicles being hacked or manipulated. We asked ChatGPT: “What is the status of Autonomous Cars?” Response: Waymo, a subsidiary of Alphabet, has been testing its self-driving cars across the US. Tesla has been rolling out advanced driver assistance features in its vehicles. We asked ChatGPT: “Tell me about the status of EVs." Response: Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more prevalent. Potential ways EVs could shape the future of transportation: Increased adoption. Cost reduction. Range improvement. Charging infrastructure. Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. And we asked ChatGPT: “Send me fictional movie quotes about Cars.” Response: – “It’s not about the car you drive, it’s about the driver.” [The Transporter, 2002] – “What’s the point of having a car if you're not going to drive it?” [2 Fast 2 Furious, 2003] – “Cars are just machines, they don’t have a heart.” [Cars, 2006] – “Why do you need to control everything? Let the car do the work!” [Iron Man, 2008] – “There’s a special bond between a man and his car.” [Casino Royale, 2006] We’ll ask Tom Madonna, Jeremy Burne, Kellie Lindsay, James Cho and Philipp Schume for their take on The Future of Everything Automotive and AI: What Would George Jetson Say?

Technology Revolution: The Future of Now

Wednesday at 8 AM Pacific/11 AM Eastern Time on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Technology in many shapes, forms, and devices is already shaping nearly every aspect of your life. How? On your smart phone and tablet with thousands of apps to enhance your work and daily living. On streaming media that lets you watch TV and movies anytime anywhere. On social media where your voice is instantly amplified to reach the world. Think you’ve seen it all? Not! There’s more to come and you’re part of making it happen – right now. Join host Bonnie D. Graham as she speaks with future-focused visionaries on Technology Revolution: The Future of Now, broadcasting live every Wednesday at 8 AM Pacific Time/11 AM Eastern Time, on the Business Channel.

Bonnie D. Graham

Bonnie D. Graham produced and hosted her first live talk radio show in 1998 on AM1240–WGBB, Long Island, NY’s oldest terrestrial radio station. A few years later, she moved from terrestrial to Internet radio with her author interview show, “Up Close and Personal.” In 2011, working at the enterprise software leader SAP, she developed the concept for a weekly live global business thought leadership roundtable series on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel – and launched “Coffee Break with Game-Changers” on October 5, 2011. Over the next nine years, Bonnie D. created, produced and hosted 46 additional SAP series on the Business Channel, attracting millions of listeners around the world. Since becoming an independent broadcaster in 2019, she has developed and hosted live radio and podcast series on the Business Channel for eight additional organizations, as well as her own weekly series, “Read My Lips: Cool Conversations with Creatives with akaRadioRed,” on the Empowerment Channel. In 2023, her live-streaming “Technology Revolution: The Future of Now” series was ranked No. 6 on FeedSpot’s Top 70 Technology Podcasts to Listen to in 2023. What powers Bonnie D.’s passion for radio? She “loves speaking with smart people!”

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