Relentless Courage Treating Trauma Dr. Shauna “Doc” Springer

November 3, 2023
Hosted by Dr. Cathy Greenberg and Matthew Werner

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Shauna ‘Doc’ Springer is co-founder and Chief Psychologist for Stella, ( a leading, trusted authority on innovative trauma treatments and lead Psychological Advisor for MagnusWorx, a cutting edge app. “Doc” Shauna Springer is the best-selling author of three books and widely considered a world expert on trauma response with her book RELENTLESS COURAGE, described by Lt. Col. David Grossman, best-selling author of On Killing and On Combat as “one of the most important books of our time.” Dr. Springer is frequently sought after by the media for her insights on trauma, moral injury, therapy, close relationships, and psychological well-being. Her insights on psychology and relationships have been featured in various media outlets, including VICE, Psychology Today, NPR, NBC, Military Times, Police1, Business Insider, CNN, and CBS Radio.

Strategies for Turbulent Times: A Plan for the Unknown

Fridays at 8 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

We are elite professionals challenging leaders in all walks of life to reach inside their personal intestinal fortitude creating success techniques during turbulent times developing a FEARLESS CLIMATE! Being a leader post 2020 has certainly brought its own unique and persistent challenges. As we all continue to chart rocky waters for unrelenting growth and the wellbeing needed for peak performance, we’ll provide a compass and navigation system we believe anyone can incorporate in every show, to be better equipped and positioned to lead effectively. Join us live Fridays at 8 AM PST, and on demand to learn “Strategies for Turbulent Times” on every program featuring your co-hosts, Matthew Werner, former US Navy Special Warfare Operator; with over 25 years of experience executing over 20 high risk missions around the globe; and Dr. Cathy Greenberg multiple, # 1 Wall Street Journal, #2 New York Times and Amazon International Best Selling Author on the science of emotional and social intelligence, courage and resilience with special guests curated to meet the needs of a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Chaotic and Ambiguous).

Dr. Cathy Greenberg and Matthew Werner

Dr. Cathy L. Greenberg coaches leading executives and entire companies using her proven “Happiness=Profit” business strategies for life. Dr. Greenberg, a certified executive/personal coach, leadership expert and executive in her own right, formerly at two of the world’s leading consultancies, she co-founded h2c, LLC (Happy Companies. Healthy People) where she shares the power of combining leadership with the science of happiness to develop the skills you need to soar to success and profitability in today’s challenging environment. An author of multiple bestsellers and much-in-demand conference speaker, Dr. Greenberg advises individuals and groups from New York to Dubai. Her research and writing partners include Warren Bennis, Noel Tichy and Marshall Goldsmith. Dr. Greenberg lives a happy, successful life circling the globe with offices in Philadelphia and Tucson.

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