Dissecting the Concept of Masculinity w/ Joel Bouchard

February 21, 2024
Hosted by Marc Azoulay

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Episode Description

On this episode we're joined by Joel Bouchard, the host of the philosophy podcast "From Nowhere to Nothing." We'll lean into his philosophical roots and try to understand the concept of masculinity from the bottom up. What is masculinity? How do we create it? And how do we give it meaning? From Nowhere to Nothing Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7fmjw6bjyuz4uCictzjbZl Joel's Music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4k3k07P0kUJScZmGZJLtEm

Men's Therapy Podcast

Wednesday at 11 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Marc Azoulay is an industry leader in psychotherapy and men's mental health; he's helped countless guys get back on their feet, deepen their relationships, and excel in their lives. Now, he's taken all that he has learned and is sharing it with you! In each episode Marc will interview an expert in the field of masculinity and men's work. We'll cover topics such as emotional intelligence, masculine identity, anger management, financial health, trauma recovery, marriage and divorce, ethics, and spirituality. Tune in and become a better man.

Marc Azoulay

Marc is a psychotherapist and organizational developer in Boulder, Colorado. He has created, operated and sold businesses in the mental health, online retail and education industries for over five years. He helps clients that have a harmful relationship to their inherent aggression or who are stuck in the pain of their repetition compulsions. Many of his clients struggle with addiction, anxiety and self-sabotage. Marc helps people uncover and destroy the unconscious barriers that cripple them by using a blend of Modern Psychoanalytic and Contemplative Psychotherapy. Marc also consults with non-profits, start-up companies and mental health agencies around organizational development, culture and marketing. His style can best be described as irreverent with surprising moments of profound depth.

Marc holds a variety of distinctions. He is the Past-President of the Four Corners Group Psychotherapy Society, Member-at-Large for the AGPA Affiliate Societies Assembly, Member and Presenter of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, Member of the Organizational Development Network, Member of the Colorado Society of Association Executives and Member of the Colorado Counseling Association.

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