The Energy of Numbers with Kari Samuels

February 4, 2013
Hosted by Dr. Anne Deatly, Ph.D

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Episode Description

Your life purpose is to be happy and live radiantly! There is healing power in love and compassion. In numerology, 2013 is the universal year of 6, which is all about love! 6 signifies love, balance and relationships. Let’s focus on the love in 6 energy! It’s not only about loving others; you need to love yourself first. Loving yourself facilitates more love coming into your life. Actually, everything in life is a direct mirror to loving yourself. 6 energy teaches you how to balance your life, including the energy of giving and receiving, so you can open up your channels for more love and abundance. The energy of 6 is also about relationship. Understanding the power of 6 invites you to not just dream about the life you want, but to create it! You can align with your soul's purpose, and clear all limiting beliefs, to truly love yourself and your life from the inside out. Learn how to harness the powerful energy of this year, so you can live more radiantly in 2013!

Energy Medicine and Optimal Health

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Our program focuses on energy medicine and how it can lead to optimal health. Energy is everywhere. Each of us has an energy body associated with our physical body. Nine different energy systems make up the energy body. Energy medicine is about determining energy balance in these energy systems. If imbalance is detected, proper energy balancing techniques are used to revitalize the body for efficient and optimal functioning of the body’s organs and physiological systems. We’ll highlight key exercises to use to empower optimal health by re-patterning your flow of energy. In addition, energy medicine can rebalance emotions that are the core of physical symptoms. In addition to discussing the nine energy systems, Energy medicine experts will discuss energy medicine and the law of attraction, hormones and anti-aging, psychology and psychiatry, and the last stages of life. Energy Medicine and Optimal Health airs live Mondays at 4 PM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness.

Dr. Anne Deatly, Ph.D

Anne M. Deatly, PhD and certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, is Director of the Optimal Health and Wellness Center and recognized as the Radiant Energy Doctor. Anne’s holistic health center focuses on energy balancing, positive inspiration, and spiritual coaching. The ultimate goal of the center is to inspire and support people to transform their health and create the life of their dreams. Energy medicine, the future of medicine, activates the body’s natural healing and energy balancing system to prevent disease. As an Energy Medicine practitioner, Anne uses energy balancing ( to determine the root cause of disease, including emotional and spiritual issues, to achieve optimal holistic health ( Energy balancing promotes stress reduction, energy cross-over, synchronized energy rhythms, toxin removal and pain reduction or elimination. Optimal Health and Wellness Center also facilitates renewal and transformation of a revitalized body, awakened mind, and enlightened spirit. Programs are designed to provide new opportunities for self-empowerment, growth and personal development, healthy lifestyle, positive mental attitude, defined purpose and passion, increased success potential, and creating a life filled with, joy, peace, and harmony. Anne is also embarking on a career in inspirational speaking as a way to empower others to develop into their highest potential (mind, body, spirit).

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