Why Do We Believe What we Believe?

June 12, 2014
Hosted by Nick Castellano with Andrew Houglum

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Episode Description

The Purpose of this show will be to set up the premise of the next 12 weeks of shows and how we are going to get the listener to reconsider the belief system they have created in their life and show how that belief system may not be of a benefit to them and how to believe a NEW WAY. We will discuss "The Truths" in History and Science that ALL believed and were found out to be false when actual investigative study was utilized which will open the listeners mind to the concept that some of the things we believe now "May not be true"! We will discuss what the government is trying to get us to believe in the way of topics like "Oil reserves, global warming, FDA control of food production, Health care and what tools they utilize to get us to believe they are right and how to guard against this programming of the masses and become an actual thinker that decides based on observation and investigation and not a sheeple that believe the first thing that is heard!

Awaken the Sleeper

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Variety Channel

Our show will be about a variety of topics from Current Events, Current and New Technologies, Tales from the Energy Sector, Politics and Government as well as religion and uncovering in depth the TRUTH behind what we are being told in all arenas. Our goal is to take views from all sides on these matters and teach you how to not become “sheeple” following what the media, government, religious sects or energy sectors tell us and how to discern the actual truth behind controversial topics and make that truth your truth. Awaken from your slumber and decipher and discern the rhetoric that you are being fed to formulate your own opinion on matters and not just regurgitate that which the media has inundated you with! We’ll help you to truly be awake and form your own opinion and then require an action step based on this new found truth.

Nick Castellano with Andrew Houglum

Dr Nick Castellano is an author, speaker and Director of Hydrocarbon Dynamics Oil Company, Patent Holder for Oil Processes, Founder of Business Mentorship International (an online training school for new business entrepreneurs) and Associate Pastor at Covenant Life Christian Center. He is also a Navy Nuclear Power Instructor. Dr. Castellano is a real estate investor with a Master’s Degree in Bio-Chemistry and a Doctorate of Philosophy (Religious Emphasis). With a diverse and accomplished background ranging from Nuclear Chemistry to Real Estate and Corporate Business Development, Nick Castellano has proven through his unique landscape of wisdom how individuals can create wealth from the inside out. As an international leader in oil enhancement and director of Business Mentorship International, Nick has become a sought after speaker, mentor, and consultant for churches, corporations, and conferences. He is recognized as an implementer of ideas and strategies and has been instrumental in assisting with over 400 businesses start-ups and guiding these businesses with sound advice and wisdom to achieve their business goals. In addition, Nick is a generous giver of his time and talents to his community, fellow colleagues, and church.

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