7 Foundational Principles Truly Successful People Live Their Life By

July 2, 2015
Hosted by Richard Flint

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Episode Description

All of us have a set of principles that we live by. These are what we call our "lines in the sand." They are what make us who we are. They are also the aspect of life where most of our challenges come from. Have you ever had one of your foundational principles challenged? When they are tested, so are your beliefs. If you ever step across one of your lines in the sand, you are never the same person that you were. Crossing the line creates a different path of living for you. Join me this Thursday as we talk about 7 Foundational Principles Truly Successful People Live Their Life By. I have worked with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met through my Mentoring Program; several whose definition of "success" is not driven by things, but by the principles they live by. I have found 7 Foundational Principles that most share in common. You don't want to miss learning from those whose success is not a moment, but a journey they keep strengthening through their behavior.

The Power To Be!

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One thing is true about life. The road you travel is never a straight line, nor is it without curves, hills or detours. There will always be signs you are moving too fast to see clearly. You need to be able to handle the unexpected and unpredictable events that come your way. That means YOU need a resource to help you prepare for the life you want by dealing with the life you have. That resource is Richard Flint and THE POWER TO BE. Each week Richard Flint guides you through life’s struggles with an understanding on why they are part of your life, why you battle with them, and give you insights and processes to control their effect on your life. As Richard says, there are only two directions your life can go: in circles or forward. THE POWER TO BE hour is about preparing you to go forward by unleashing the power that is within you.

Richard Flint

For over 30 years, Richard Flint has been traveling the globe playing in people’s minds and teaching them the process of becoming better. It has been said on more than one occasion that he knows you better than you know yourself.

Richard explores his philosophies and teachings with thousands of people on a weekly basis. This journey has led him through the world of university teaching, private counseling, author, TV personality, professional speaking and working as a private and business consultant.

As a university instructor he challenged the minds of young people to respond to their dream and not settle for what society tells them they can have.

As a professional speaker, Richard challenges people daily to face their design, challenge their behavior and seek to find the opportunity that lies in the midst of their daily journey.

As a private coach, Richard spends a year in the lives of people helping them reach inside, find their dream and achieve it.

Whether it's through his seminars, webinars, CDs, books, Morning Minute, consulting services, or his StarMaker Conference, the comments are the same. His insights are thought-provoking and his processes work. All you have to do is implement them. Richard can help you find the path to a better life!

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