Set Intention

October 1, 2015
Hosted by David B. Savage

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Far too often, we rush into things without stopping to ask; what is my purpose? What is my intention? Even worse, often we think we know the answer before we start. An oft-repeated dictum from an executive is, “Don’t bring me a problem unless you are also bringing me the answer.” What if the problem would be better understood, accepted, answered and celebrated if it was solved together? What if we acknowledged that lone rangers often create danger? Most every morning over the past thirty years, when I awake in the morning, before I rise I set my intention for the coming day. This is what I hope for today. Declare your honest intention for every collaboration. Think about how you think. How you think creates how you perceive. How you perceive creates your judgments. Your judgments create your actions. Your actions create your life. Your life creates how you think. Even before I set my intention, I must open my mind and heart. We feature the Can. Assoc. of Professional Speakers.

Break Through to Yes with Collaboration

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Today, our world, our nations, our communities, our families, our organizations and our planet are faced with increasingly complex challenges that present massive potential risks. We are also at a time in human history where we are more educated and connected, and have resources available like never before to access for our advantage.

Seize this opportunity to join a movement of progressive, principled and successful leaders. Working together is a key strategic advantage for those leaders and organizations that build a culture of collaboration. In this program and in the book, Savage brings expertise for collaborative leaders.

Now is our time to lead more powerfully, consciously and collaboratively in ways that make our world a better place today and in the future. Leaders in companies will make this essential shift now.

David B. Savage

David is founder and President of Savage Management Ltd., The Company to Company Dispute Resolution Council. Think Sustain Ability Consultants and The Collaborative Global Initiative.

Savage Management Ltd. (founded in 1993) provides consulting, negotiation, conflict management, organizational development, stakeholder engagement, coaching and collaborative leadership services.

The Company to Company Dispute Resolution Council (founded 2004) works with companies in conflict design their own resolution process and rebuild their opportunities The Collaborative Global Initiative (founded in 2013) is a global community of collaborative and dispute resolution professionals committed to addressing and embracing conflict, and supporting a more peaceable, healthy and sustainable living environment. Think Sustain Ability (founded in 2011) is dedicated to working with organizations that actively create economic, environmental and social sustainability for today and our future. After a successful thirty-two-year career as a leader in the Canadian petroleum industry, since 2007 David has focused on engaging and developing collaborative leaders and sustainable business development.

Savage’s book “Break Through to Yes: Unlocking the Possible within a Culture of Collaboration” was published worldwide March. , 2016. According to Kirkus Reviews, “While it addresses organizational collaboration, this book could be interpreted more broadly as a treatise on building a cooperative culture within families, groups, businesses, and government.” Savage’s co-shared book, “Ready Aim Excel: 52 Leadership Lessons,” is an international business bestseller on Amazon.

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