Mahendra Kumar Trivedi

Mahendra Kumar Trivedi

Mahendra Kumar Trivedi was born in 1963 in a small town in central India. Although he was not trained in the traditional Yogic education, he exhibited unique abilities and extraordinarily high levels of perception and intelligence even as a child, including a 100% photographic memory. He says he always knew he was different and felt that his sojourn on this planet was for a higher purpose. Although from all outward appearances, Mr. Trivedi seemed to lead a normal life, graduating from engineering college and then working as a well-respected mechanical engineer, over time he became more and more aware of the extent of his abilities. Then, one night in 1995 he received "guidance" that the unique gifts he had been given were now to be used for the welfare of mankind. He didn't hesitate for a moment to give up all that was familiar and embark on a new mission to connect with people of his destiny - those who could help improve their lives and those who could help him use his gifts to benefit the world and its inhabitants: