Laura Bramly

Laura Bramly

Laura Bramly has 25 years’ experience as a writer, editor and graphic designer. She recently created Life Scenes, a book that helps people with dementia to read again. Laura’s mother had vascular dementia, and the prototype of her book was produced for and tested with her mom, providing times of shared joy before her passing in 2008. Laura believes that people with dementia are not “gone” or “shadows,” but are people with memory disabilities, and that society must work to understand dementia and to enable people with memory disabilities. She blogs about dementia-related topics and is working to highlight “best practices” around the world that enable people with dementia to live their best lives. She is also involved in an international effort called “I Can, I Will!, which will enable people with dementia and those without to share ideas to raise awareness about dementia. She lives in Arizona with her husband and two children.