Carol Stanley
Carol Stanley was born in England on July 7, 1944. At the age of 16 she took up work in shorthand and typing at the Bank of America, in London, England. At 18 she left home and travelled on a student work visa to Germany where she spent the next year in work that included housekeeper in a small village. During this time she learned German. Then she immigrated to Canada. She travelled steerage on the Empress of Canada where she met her future husband. They married in Cleveland, Ohio. She holds dual Canadian/American citizenship. Both their children are American citizens. In 1991 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had surgery and radiation therapy. Then she sent herself to college, where she graduated with a diploma in Recreation and Leisure. Her new career took her into health care, working mainly in geriatrics. She is now family caregiver for her 92-year-old father. During WW II he was a sergeant in the air force while her mother worked in factories to help the war effort.