Dave Siever

Dave Siever

Dave Siever graduated in 1978 as an engineering technologist. He later worked in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Alberta designing diagnostic equipment temporomandibular joint dysfunction. He organized research projects, taught basic physiology and an advanced diagnostics course. He noticed anxiety issues in many patients suffering with temporomandibular joint dysfunction, which prompted him to study biofeedback. In 1984, he designed the Digital Audio-visual Integration Device. Since then, through his company, Mind Alive Inc., he’s researched and refined audio-visual technology specifically for use in relaxation, and treating anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder, cognitive decline, insomnia and seasonal affective disorder, among other conditions. He also designs cranio-electro-stimulation and biofeedback devices. His products and services are listed at http://www.mindalive.ca/