Asia Sharif Clark

Asia Sharif Clark

Asia Sharif Clark Join nationally recognized multi-media radio talk show host and award winning producer Patricia Raskin, as she interviews Asia Sharif Clark, founder of Centered Self Worldwide. In 90 days, she takes women from overworked and overwhelmed, to empowered and energized, without feeling guilty. And, that's just the beginning. Asia is the author of three books: Create Your Work, Create Your Wealth: 5 Ideas to Feed Your Family and Feed Your Soul, You Time: How to Care for You, While You Care for Them, and Love You, 8 Lessons for the Heart & Soul. And, the creator of Glow Weekend and Joywork Retreats, empowering, live experiences for women around the country and around the world. Where women design the identity. . . and life. . . they want.