Ella Amir

Ella Amir

Ella Amir has been Executive Director of AMI-Québec Action on Mental Illness since 1990. Under her leadership the organization became one of the principal resources in Québec for families struggling to cope with mental illness. Since 2007, she’s chaired the Family Caregivers Advisory Committee for the Mental Health Commission of Canada, whose mandate is to make mental health a priority in Canada. The strategy it is developing will help to focus efforts, by setting common priorities and providing a way for people across the country to work together to achieve better mental health outcomes and improve overall mental health and well-being. She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and an MBA from McGill University. She’s presently a PhD candidate at Concordia University in Montreal. Prior to her work with AMI-Québec she worked for seven years in management and organization development for a large aviation corporation.