Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey is a lifestyle and relationship expert and the author of 6 books, including her new one: "What's Your Dharma? Discover the Vedic Way to Your Life's Purpose." Lissa was previously interviewed on Authentic Living on her book, “What’s Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love.” Lissa is the founder of where she serves up an inspiring blend of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Style. She has appeared on many TV Shows, including the Today Show and her own Wisdom Notes on CoffeyTalk TV. Her expert knowledge of Ayruveda, Feng Shui, Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy and other ancient philosophies give her relationship advice a unique twist as she offers ancient wisdom to help us solve contemporary problems. Of Lissa’s work, Deepak Chopra says: "Your heart will thank you for Lissa's helpful and heartful vision."