Angela King

Angela King

Growing up in South Florida, Angela King became confused about sexual and racial messages from her church and family. She began acting out and felt welcomed for the first time by racist skinheads: "They were angry and hated everyone. I felt like part of a family." Entrenched, crime became important. The Oklahoma City bombing made Angela reconsider her beliefs, although Skinhead affiliates would retaliate. Angela was sentenced to 6-years in prison for armed robbery of a Jewish-owned store. Released from prison 3 years early for good behavior, she graduated from the University of Central Florida. Angela is a keynote speaker, consultant, correspondent, and educator. Awards include Prejudice Reduction and Holocaust education. Angela was a panelist at the 2011 Google Summit Against Violent Extremism, in Dublin, Ireland, a panelist at a 9/11 commemoration on Terrorism in Washington DC, a correspondent and character educator for, and is currently writing a memoir.