Katie Huff Oberlin

Katie Huff Oberlin

Katie Huff Oberlin is a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP) with 9 years of experience in integrative medicine. She has a solid foundation in Holistic Counseling, Advanced Practice Techniques, Energetic Transformations (including trauma release and cord release), Energetic Anatomy and Physiology, Hospice Volunteer Services, Healing Touch for Children and Animals, Shamanic Studies, and serves as a Healing Touch qualified mentor. Katie facilitates the healing process by encouraging clients to tap into their innate potential, enhancing physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth, balance, and healing. She emphasizes the importance of disease prevention, life balance, and general well-being, making referrals to other health care providers when necessary. Katie believes in an integrative holistic approach to health care for all ages with Healing Touch providing the bridge between conventional and complementary care. Her website is http://holistic-connections.net.