Eric Lapp

Eric Lapp

Eric Lapp is the co-developer and co-founder of Modera XL, which has had great success in helping people end their cravings and addiction. It’s an all natural dietary supplement designed to reduce cravings to addiction. Eric Lapp is no stranger to addiction and its ability to take over a life. Judges, doctors, family, even the threat of jail had zero impact on his booming addiction. "I had been in and out of rehab 14 times, lost everything I had, and my weight dropped from 190 to 135 pounds," says Eric. "I was depressed and suicidal, but I still couldn't stop taking drugs." Eric turned to nature to conquer his addiction. "During my final trip to rehab, I was given amino acids and they were able to withdraw me in just 48 hours," Eric recalls. "My withdrawals were reduced by 80-90%. That was the turning point for me. I finally felt good- without drugs- and have been sober ever since." With a new life mission, Eric Lapp founded the Denver-based addiction care center, The Raleigh House of Hope. "In 30 days, we're able to do what took me 13 years...put people on a solid path to sobriety," Eric says. Eric broke the chains of addiction by balancing his brain's biochemistry naturally. Amino acids were powerful enough to transform a hard-core addict. Now, he's transforming other addict's lives with this natural addiction breakthrough. The Raleigh House of Hope offers an all-natural alternative to drug rehab in Denver. Eric's experiences, and scientific studies, show that when amino acids and other nutrient therapies are used in conjunction with traditional therapies, the relapse rate drops to about 25 percent and the success rate can be as high as 80 percent. Together with his staff at the Raleigh House of Hope, Eric has developed a unique, individualized and extremely successful program for helping individuals end their drug and alcohol dependencies. Balancing psychology with biochemistry, The Raleigh House of Hope provides a holistic approach to addiction recovery in Denver. Residential treatment in a home setting makes this recovery experience unique. Clients admit, "It's like coming home to get better". Eric Lapp has dedicated his life to helping people find hope for recovery from addiction by utilizing the best of traditional and natural therapies. He's joined forces with an impressive network of doctors and scientists who continue to explore the power of science and implement new and effective ways to treat addiction. Would Eric change his past? "I wouldn't. It made me who I am. If I can help save someone's life, then every painful moment was worth it." Web site: