Jeanne Holm

Jeanne Holm

Jeanne Holm, Evangelist for Data.Gov (open government flagship project for the White House, managed by GSA), leads collaboration and builds communities with the public, educators, developers, and international and state governments in using open government data. She is Chief Knowledge Architect at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, driving innovation through social media, virtual worlds, gaming, ontologies, and collaborative systems, including the award-winning NASA public portal ( and pioneering knowledge architectures within DoD. Jeanne is a Fellow of the United Nations International Academy of Astronautics and a Distinguished Instructor at UCLA, with over 130 publications. She has been awarded the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for leadership twice, three Webby’s from The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, three best practice awards from the APQC, and led NASA to an unprecedented four global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) awards.