Rosemarie Senisi

Rosemarie Senisi

Rosemarie Senisi was self-employed before she married another self-employed person. ‘Relentless hours’ is how she describes their life then. On becoming a parent she wanted to be just a mom. She’s now Mom of 4 children, 3 living with neurological conditions. When her youngest, who lives with autism, was 3 months she was diagnosed with cancer. Her mom had just recovered from cancer, so she was tested as a precaution because she always gets what her mom does. Now, every year, she participates in the Ride to Conquer Cancer, 200 km from Toronto to Niagara Falls.  She rides to empower her kids, she says, to show them that no matter how difficult a task seems they have at least to try, that they only get to the finish line if they go to the starting line, and that there is nothing they can't accomplish in their lives. Her one wish is that they live their lives. Her kids are her life’s highlights. She wouldn't give up the chaos, fighting, mess, homework, laughs, smiles, hugs, for anything.