Bob Baugh

Bob Baugh

Bob Baugh was appointed as the first Executive Director of the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council (IUC) in January 2003. The Council, comprised of the nation’s leading industrial unions, is the coordinating body for the federation’s manufacturing policy and legislatitive initiatives. Bob is the co-chair of the AFL-CIO Energy Task Force and served as the leader of the U.S. labor delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference negotiations since 2007. He regularily testifies before Congress, is a spokespeson with the media and writes about manufacturing, trade, globalization, energy and the economy. Bob also serves as the Executive Director of the AFL-CIO Working for America Institute (WAI). The institue is a union think tank/technical assistance organization for worker training/education, technology and economic development and is home to the Center for Green Jobs. Bob has a rich history union, community and government activism. He has been a union organizer, educator, economist, consultant and advisor: Economist/Educator International Woodworkers of America, Secretary-Treasurer Oregon AFL-CIO, Deputy Director Oregon Economic Development Department, and Deputy Director of the AFL-CIO Working for America Institute. Bob holds a BA from the University of Detroit and an MS in Industrial and Labor Relations from the University of Oregon.