Dave Gallson

Dave Gallson

Dave Gallson is the Associate National Executive Director of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, www.mooddisorderscanada.ca. In 2002, he created a seven-week skills development program for persons with mental health challenges. He led this program’s expansion to six cities across Canada. By 2009 it had assisted to return to work over 1,000 Canadians living with mental illnesses, plus 200 to return to school. The program was recognized by the ‘Sharing the Flame Excellence in Learning’ from the Canadian Council on Learning. He is Co-Chair of the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health, and has served on the Canadian Psychological Association Task Force on Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments. He is well known in the mental health community, having developed a wide government and stakeholder network through his reputation of leadership through caring He is engaged nationally on many committees and panels where he speaks from both a professional and personal experience.