Cris Costello
Cris Costello is a Regional Organizing Representative for the Sierra Club. She coordinates the Water Sentinels – Protecting Florida’s Waters Campaign to prevent harmful algal blooms in coastal and inland waters by eliminating point and non-point sources of nutrient pollution; part of the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Resilient Habitat Campaign. Cris has mobilized concerned citizens, civic organizations, homeowner associations, waterfront businesses, religious institutions and partner organizations around many related issues: urban fertilizer management policies and ordinances, state-level fertilizer management policies, local control versus state preemption of urban fertilizer regulation, numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s waters, and water quality monitoring. Cris has also been involved with the Sierra Club Florida Panther and Phosphate Mining Campaigns. Cris serves on the Citizens Advisory Committee of the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program.