Lenni  Armstrong

Lenni Armstrong

Lenni Armstrong is a visualization professional in the Boston area with over twenty years of experience in visualization design and teaching. Her educational interactives have informed thousands across the country, appearing in museums and on-line, as well as health care web sites and videos. Passionately committed to acting as a steward of Earth, she excels at conveying information about structures and events outside the range of human perception: from the nanoscale to the global scale, and from events occurring in a nanosecond to changes occurring over geological time. Lenni gets to the heart of what needs to be conveyed and how to use visualization to convey it. She is currently documenting climate change and ecosystem restoration through interactive data visualization.www.informmotion.biz With Somerville Climate Action, she organizes de-paving events that bring people together to improve their environment. See: TEDxSomerville - DePAVE the WAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlTG0Y_zknc