Jodi Barber
Jodi Barber lost her 19 year old son Jarrod to a prescription pills overdose on January 8, 2010. Since then she has become an advocate because these are needless deaths and it's an epidemic. Jodi Produced the documentary Overtaken and walks into every shool she can demanding they show this gripping documentary at schools and thousands of students have now seen the truth behind Rx drug addiction. Copies of Overtaken have been distributed accross the nation, including Oprah's all-girls school in Africa. Overtaken is required in the DUI classes and the judges are requiring those on drug related probation to watch it, then write a report. Jodi has been a guest on several local talk shows, including Dr. Drew twice. Jodi’s son’s tragic story was also one of the catalysts for the award winning documentary Behind The Orange Curtain.