Kimberly Gamble

Kimberly Gamble

Kimberly Gamble worked as a journalist for Newsweek International for several decades and is currently CEO of Clear Compass Media. She is the grand daughter of a suffragette and was imbued with a personal sense of the important role of woman in ushering transformative global change. Kimberly is co-writer, co-producer and director of the “Thrive” movie which has had millions of viewers in 22 languages throughout the globe. During the making of Thrive, it became clear to Kimberly the myriad of problems facing humanity but also that there were clear and effective solutions to all of these that could usher humanity into a “Golden Age”. In only six months after the release of “Thrive”, 700 thrive groups were formed in over 90 countries and since then many more groups have been formed. These groups which Kimberly oversees are committed to a sustainable sharing paradigm and away from monopolistic hoarding.