Lisa  Hein

Lisa Hein

Lisa Hein was raised in a middle class family in Florida. Her diligent father worked three jobs to keep clothes on their back as well as food on the table. Sundays, church and family time were deeply cherished. In her teenage years, as many question authority and disconnect from family for a season, Lisa embarked on her own until after the birth of her son, Blaine. That life changing experience, as a single mom, motivated her to recommit to learning and practicing the teachings around what it meant to manifest God’s love in her life, and now in her child's. Although Lisa felt in control as a single mom of a toddler, God blessed her with an amazing man three years later. After they married he adopted Blaine as his own. A family was born. Through their journey together she evidenced God’s love manifesting within their family dynamic in spite of unexpected challenges and hardships which she will discuss with us on this show.