Shelly  Davis

Shelly Davis

Shelly Davis is a spiritual keyboard artist, living a blessed life, grateful to receive and share the infinite love available to all. He and his wife Sharon Rae, vocalist, write and perform songs of amazement, contemplation and encouragement and are music directors at Unity of Littleton in Colorado. Attracted to the metaphysical in his teens, Shelly found his connection to spirit through jazz improvisation and religious wisdom. Leaving the city after 5 years as an original member of a million selling pop group, he moved to 200 acres of Tennessee hills with close friends to create a different way of life. He returned to the marketplace 3 years later, forming jazz and original bands based in Kansas City, Boulder and Aspen, eventually settling in Central Florida. Shelly became music director at a Unity church and performed with Sharon for people from all over the world. Now based in Denver, their latest CD is called In the Spirit. You can hear and read more at