Kendal  Williams

Kendal Williams

Kendal Williams' spiritual journey included being awakened to the powerful connection of sex and spirit as a teen when she started learning Tantra via a boyfriend. However, a multitude of different experiences in her adulthood temporarily put the connection on hold, as at different times, she overcame rape, divorce, self-sabotage, sexual shame, and self-hatred. After going through what she refers to as the dark night of her soul, Kendal found herself birthed into a new world of possibilities when she was provided with guides and a teacher, and experienced a great transformation into the light of self-empowerment. Leaning back on the lessons learned from her teen years, she became a Tantric practitioner, learning about our sexuality - what she considers the greatest gift of humankind. Today, Kendal has learned that our sexuality is the greatest creative force on this planet and is dedicated to helping others heal their shame and misunderstanding related to it.