Valerie  Davidson

Valerie Davidson

Valerie Davidson, tribal member of the Orutsararmuit Native Council, is Senior Director of Legal and Intergovernmental Affairs for the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, a statewide tribal health organization based in Anchorage, Alaska. Val has been spokesperson, chief political and legal strategist for ANTHC’s Dental Health Aide Therapy Program, a member of the National Steering Committee for Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, and a member of the National Title V Negotiated Rulemaking Committee of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. She served as Co-Lead Negotiator for Alaska’s 229 federally recognized tribes to negotiate the Alaska Tribal Health Compact for health services for Alaska Natives and American Indians in Alaska, and serves on the Alaska Health Care Commission established by Governor Parnell for a statewide health plan for Alaska. Most importantly, Val enjoys spending time with her niece, nephew, and two daughters.