Greg McHugh

Greg McHugh

Greg McHugh, CHT, received training in client centered therapy and then in Gestalt Therapy in California in the 1960's. Later on, he led Gestalt groups in San Francisco and Northern California. From 1972 to 1981 Greg was a member of a semi monastic Gnostic Christian order where he received training and initiation in the Ancient Mysteries, learnings which have positively affected his practice in Regression Therapy, Spirit Releasement, and other healing modalities. Certified as a Level IV Past Life Therapist by the International Board for Regression Therapy, IBRT, he is author of The New Regression Therapy and of three professional manuals. Greg also published an article, Remote Regression Therapy, in the 2009 issue of the Journal of Regression Therapy. Greg has a clinical practice in Denver, Colorado. He is also a teacher and mentor to other Regression Therapists.