Tammy  Nelson, PhD

Tammy Nelson, PhD

Tammy Nelson, PhD is the author of several books including, Getting the Sex You Want: Shed Your Inhibitions and Reach New Heights of Passion Together and The New Monogamy: Redefining Your Relationship After Infidelity. She has been a featured expert in New York Times, Washington Post, Self, Glamour Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, MSNBC, Shape, Men’s Health, Woman’s Day, Women’s Health. She writes for the Psychotherapy Networker, Huffington Post, YourTango, ThirdAge, and GoodCleanLove. Dr. Nelson is a sex and relationship expert, an international speaker, an author and a licensed psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience working with individuals and couples, is in private practice and teaches seminars and workshops around the world for couples and professionals. She is a Board Certified Sexologist, a Certified Sex Therapist, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a Certified Imago Relationship therapist. She speaks worldwide on global relational change.