Dr. Anne Jensen

Dr. Anne Jensen

Dr. Anne Jensen has over 31 years of anthropological fieldwork experience in Alaska. She is currently the PI on the NSF-funded project “Learning From the Past: Archaeology of Nuvuk” which analyzes the excavations of a major Thule cemetery and newly discovered Ipiutak habitation site, as well as smaller NSF-funded projects working with collections from Walakpa and Utqiaġvik. Much of the work on these projects has been done by local and international high school and college students and volunteers. Dr. Jensen’s current research focuses on human adaptation in Arctic and subarctic environments, coastal adaptations in the North, global change effects on the archaeological and paleoecological record, digital archaeology and paleoeconomy and paleoenvironments. She is currently Senior Scientist for UIC Science LLC, where she is responsible for cultural resources issues on Ukpeaġvik Inupiat Corporation (an Alaska Native corporation) lands, as well as an active cultural resource consulting practice. She also manages a contract to run a climate monitoring site for Sandia National Labs and the US Department of Energy.