David  Goldstein

David Goldstein

Author, management consultant, speaker, and originator of the 'creative-type' concept described in his book Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive, David Goldstein speaks about how each of us can be creative in our own unique way using our natural strengths. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(R) certified, for the past six years, he has researched and quantified the connections between creativity and psychological types. David studies art at the Hong Kong Art School and The Arts Students League of New York and his works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and Rome. David earned a BS in Imaging Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA in Management of Science, Technology, and Innovation from George Washington University. He now spends his time in Falls Church, Virginia, and writes a popular blog at www.courageouslycreative.com. Learn more at www.beyondword.com/authors/david-goldstein