Callie  Rickard

Callie Rickard

Callie Rickard: I am a wife and stay-at-home mom to Diana, Alex, and DJ. After a normal pregnancy, we welcomed DJ into the world on June 23, 2003. DJ was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome at two days old, and then later Shone's Complex with severe pulmonary hypertension. DJ has had seven open-heart surgeries, (five before his first birthday), one at age two and his last one at age seven. He’s had four aortic and mitral valves replaced. He received the smallest mechanical mitral valve ever placed in a baby. In 2010 a heart and double lung transplant was recommended but DJ was considered too high risk. After his last open-heart surgery, he suffered a massive brain hemorrhage requiring two brain surgeries. He recovered and looks like any other normal, healthy boy. Recently our family moved from Washington to Texas pursuing better health care, new job opportunities and a little adventure.