Robert Simon  Siegel

Robert Simon Siegel

Robert Simon Siegel, MS wrote Thieves of Eden as a fiction thriller to have fun sharing rare knowledge and multi-use treasures from his personal trainings with lineage holders of several wisdom traditions. Adding comics to his identity as a Psychophysiologist, stress specialist, corporate wellness trainer and Energy Health/Qigong Instructor, Robert integrates cutting-edge science with ancient wisdom. Author of Six Seconds to True Calm: Thriving Skills for 21st Century Living, Robert ushered in a new energy-based stress remedy as a guidance system to navigate change well. These trainings, called: Energy Health – Future Wellness, deliver a new breed of skills that produce optimal health by better operating one’s body and mind without pills. Pro-active companies can gain illness prevention of 50%-90% of primary care doctor visits, all stress-related. A selected speaker at the National Wellness Conference in 2010 & 2008, Robert trains individuals, health professionals and companies.