Dr. Lee  Wilson

Dr. Lee Wilson

Dr. Lee Wilson, member of the advisory board of Nanostruck Technologies, completed a PhD in physical chemistry from the Univ. of Saskatchewan (1998) and was an NSERC (the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) visiting fellow at the National Research Council of Canada at the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences. Currently, Dr. Wilson is an associate professor of chemistry at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Wilson has led the development of a nano chitosan copolymer powder, a derivative of crustacean shells, that's being used exclusively by Nanostruck Technologies for its water remediation technologies. Dr. Wilson specializes in physical chemistry and materials science and his current area of research aims at the development of new types of materials (such as molecular sponges) that will have a significant impact on areas such as the environment, biotechnology, medicine, chemical delivery/separation systems and membrane materials for water purification.