Beatrice  Ten-Thye

Beatrice Ten-Thye

I love people! I need to be with them, talk, meet, laugh, joke; I need connections like my body needs food. In 2009, I had been working as an administrative assistant in the corporate world more than 20+ years; I was so disillusioned. When I heard about AssistU, a training academy for virtual assistants, I decided to take its program. What a change in my life this made! Now, I support business- and leadership coaches in their quest for success, and love what I do! I thrive working in close and trusting client relationships. I create that client relationship that turns into a partnership, a bond! I want to make every client feel special. I am with them all the way, and care deeply not only about their business success but about them as persons. I am active in my AssistU VA community, and feel very honored to have been chosen as its most supportive member for two years. Being able to create my life, to choose my clients, and to create awesome relationships with them makes me feel whole.