Charles F.  Glassman, MD

Charles F. Glassman, MD

Charles F. Glassman, MD, has been known as Coach MD since 2011. This designation arises from what he has learned in his over 25 years of practice as a medical doctor. Specifically, that many, if not most, problems people go to the doctor to solve actually stem from the challenges of daily life. Instead of giving a pill to try and make them go away, Coach MD's mission is to help people achieve total wellness—having more control over life than one could ever think possible. His goal is to deliver a new type of health care, transformational health care, turning sickness into health and health into optimal wellness - body, mind, and spirit working as one. To achieve this, he has developed tools, strategies, and products that will enhance your self-awareness and encourage personal action. This is the only way that you can obtain true wellness, by learning to unleash the power of the mind thus connecting with your personal power and realizing your true potential. Additionally, Dr. Glassman stays on the cutting edge remaining current with the latest in medical technologies and breakthroughs ensuring that your body will be as healthy as your mind and spirit. He is always on the lookout for anything that can truly deliver healthy life extension. Most importantly, Dr. Glassman empowers you to take control over your healthcare, so you are not controlled by it. Check back often to find the the inspiration, motivation, and information to keep you healthy and to live your everyday extraordinary.