Richard Diaz

Richard Diaz

Born shortly after World War, II Diaz had all the cultural attitudes of a rebellious personality. Whether that is from the common culture of the times or the systemic poisoning he was exposed to, remains to be answered. After 30 plus years of investigating medicine, disease and chronic illness, Diaz came to a number of conclusions; most doctors are prisoners of their education and shackled by their profession, and most importantly not a single medical professional knew how to define illness. After all the classes, groups, and speaking with researchers, scientists and patients, Diaz proceeded to define illness from basic principles he had collected. This was not easy and took years but he came up with a definition that would apply to anyone, anywhere in the world. This is not a how to, about getting healthy. Everybody tries to tell you about that. Diaz will teach you what you already know, in a different context and in doing so you will begin to understand how to avoid illness.