Noelle Meade-Izzi

Noelle Meade-Izzi

Noelle Meade-Izzi is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, author, speaker, award-winning graphic designer and renowned Natu-journalist. She captures contemporary, visual reality with her camera and combines wildlife anecdotes and facts to encourage every person's potential to connect with and preserve nature. Her passion for nature and wildlife photography stems from her research and study of the wisdom of the animal world, animal symbolism and animal totems. Noelle also endeavors to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary--right in our own backyards. Her book, The Hummingbird That Answered My Heart’s Calling, is a testament to the power of nature and its ability to teach, heal, and re-connect humans to their true human nature. Noelle is leading a crusade to recognize and protect the four POWER POLLINATORS ---bees, birds, butterflies and bats.