Steve Sussman

Steve Sussman

Steve Sussman, Column5 Vice President, Sales & Marketing, oversees Column5´s global sales, business development and marketing initiatives. He has more than 20 years of experience in the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) solutions industry, including six years at Hyperion and over five years at OutlookSoft/SAP in sales and marketing related roles. Steve’s unique ability to partner with visionary executives from a Who´s Who of leading global organizations has played a vital role in helping them transform their companies to achieve new heights. Under Steve´s direction, Column5´s sales team focuses on educating clients to appreciate sources of value, rather than strictly emphasizing technical specifications. In this way, Steve´s contributions reach far beyond sales. He has served as a career counselor and collaborator for many company leaders, and helped them achieve personal advancement by driving business results from their successful EPM initiatives.