Yohai Israeli

Yohai Israeli

Yohai Israeli has had many years of experience leading and nurturing people in their growth, empowerment and healing processes to create their peace of mind, inner freedom, and high potential fulfillment. In parallel, Yohai has been teaching personal development and healing methods, and dealing with unique and profound studies and research which led him to developing “THE GATE”. Since December 2010, Yohai has devoted his time to teaching The Gate to a wide audience, and training practitioners (facilitators) and teachers in the method. Yohai’s knowledge is a unique combination of western academic knowledge (a Bachelor of Behavior Science, and a Master (M.Sc,) of Organizational Behavior with Honors), and in-depth esoteric knowledge resulting from studies and initiations under Master-Healers, spiritual teachers and shamans. Learn more at: http://thegatehealing.com/