Kerry Connelly
Kerry Connelly is a Certified Christian Life Coach, a Certified Human Behavior Specialist, specializing in DISC personality styles and a New York City Leadership Fellow. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children, and two cats (three, if you count the hair the cats shed during the spring). She is a writer, speaker and blogger who loves to bring people to those “ah-ha!” moments called breakthroughs. Kerry has over twenty years of experience in the corporate setting, mostly in advertising, sales & marketing, and customer service. During her career she has been a key account manager for major clientele, including Snapple, Nestle Waters, Discovery Health, and The Container Store, to name a few. In 2005, she left corporate America to start her family. Soon after her daughter was born, however, she felt the pull to work again. Not wanting to leave her little girl, she gravitated to the Direct Selling Industry, where she earned – by being in the top 2% of the company – the title of Independent Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics, a position she held for three years. Soon, she began to feel a different pull. She knew she wanted to be in ministry of some sort – though not necessarily in a church setting. The idea of She*s ELEVATED was tugging at the periphery of her brain again, and she was writing – a lot. Not knowing exactly where this new calling was taking her, she made the incredibly painful decision to leave Mary Kay – a company she adored – and start from scratch. With no more than a fuzzy vision, some leadership training, and a lot of shaky, messy faith, Kerry decided to dive into the creation of She*s ELEVATED. She began her training as a life coach with a lot of trepidation – mostly out of obedience and not really thinking she’d like it. To her surprise, she discovered she was good at it! Her clients left each session feeling excited, powerful, and ready to take action. They reported back to her success after success. They walked in a new-found confidence. Soon, Kerry fell in love with coaching. Now, Kerry leads She*s ELEVATED and coaches busy visionaries to greater heights – she helps to elevate them to their God-purpose. Because after all these years, Kerry has finally discovered that her destiny is helping you live yours.