Dr. Lewis Cone

Dr. Lewis Cone

Lewis Cone is a chiropractor and nutritionist. He graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in Houston and is certified in acupuncture and advanced nutrition training. He uses applied kinesiology as a testing method to help find out what is wrong with a person's body. He says: "I love to help patients who have chronic problems with their overall health and spines." Many patients come to him who have been unsuccessful in their search for help with health problems. His patients' ailments include Lyme disease, chronic arthritis, lupus, skin rashes, various auto-immune problems and more.

His goal is to help remove anything that is irritating the spine, including anything that causes muscle spasms or systemic inflammation. Sometimes a person's overall health or hidden health problems are related to spinal stress and must be treated first. It is all related. Dr. Cone enjoys getting paid with big smiles on return visits that tell him a patient is getting better and beating the odds.