Michael  Coscetta

Michael Coscetta

Michael Coscetta is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for StructuredWeb, a leading provider of channel marketing software and services to global technology companies such as Cisco, TIBCO, VMware, GE, EMC, and many others. Simply put, StructuredWeb helps companies leverage their partners’ digital connections to reach, influence and drive more end customers to buy their products. After graduating from Harvard University with Honors, Michael started his own business as a sales trainer and was responsible for training over 3,000 sales reps across two states who sold $34million in luxury household products. Having branched off into sales consulting, Mike started offering advice and creating sales programs for several technology startups and created a training program for a $1billion cloud computing subsidiary. He took a 6 month break to travel across Asia and Europe, and travel remains a passion and a focus despite the chaos and pressures of a fast growing company.