Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva

Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva

Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva is a business owner, author, and educator working at the intersection of innovation, leadership, and sustainable growth. As a business owner, Nadya oversees a group of companies active in real estate, investment, and consulting. She teaches courses in leadership, strategy, change management, design thinking, and sustainability at business schools across the globe. Nadya chairs the Resourcefulness Advisory Board at OMV, an oil and gas company, and sits on the Advisory Board of the Fowler Center for Sustainable Value at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. In 2014, Nadya released her second book, “Overfished Ocean Strategy: Powering Up Innovation for Resource-Deprived World.” In 2011, she co-authored her first book, “Embedded Sustainability: The Next Big Competitive Advantage.” Her recent clients include Coca-Cola, ERG, Erste Bank, Henkel, Knauf Insulation, and Vienna Insurance Group. http://www.overfishedoceanstrategy.com