Dave Donaldson

Dave Donaldson

Dave is the co-founder of Convoy of Hope, an international organization providing disaster relief, building supply lines, sponsoring Health and Job Fairs, drilling wells and the Nurturing Hope nutrition program. Since its inception in 1994, Convoy of Hope has helped over 50 million people worldwide. Dave also launched a global initiative for Convoy called HopeExperience where business, government and church leaders can spend one week abroad experiencing the culture, and exploring ways to lift people out of poverty. Donaldson is also President of Charity Awards International which celebrates public and private figures that devote themselves to working for others. He has coordinated White House briefings, roundtables and conference calls between community and government leaders and in 2003, was appointed to serve on his National Council for Mental Health and Substance Abuse and to chair the Faith-based Committee. Dave is the author of several books including: The Faith-based and Community Initiative, The Compassion Revolution and newly released, Relentless – Pursuing a Life that Matters. Dave earned his BA from Evangel University and Master’s Degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.